Hadith means speech. The speech from the holy mouth of Nabi Karim (SM) has been styled as Hadith. But technically Hadith means Hazrat’s speech, activity and approval. What Hazrat himself said, what he did and what was done or said either in his presence or in the know of him and he approved it or remained silent.
This approval or silent consent is called Takrir. In this consideration. Hadith is of three kinds namely, Kawli (Verbatim). Feli (actional) and Takriri (approved). But originally Hadith is of two kinds---Hadith Ummi, and Hadith Kudsi. The Hadith, narrated by the Prophet as the speech of Allah but not put in the Quran is known as Hadith Kudsi.
All other Hadiths are known as Hadith Ummi. Hadith is the direct explanation and analysis of the Holy Quran. Here lies its importance. Without the clear understanding of Hadith a Muslim can’t lead his life to the path of Allah. It is the second source of Islamic knowledge. In this context Allah says. Accept what My Rasul gives and prevent from what he forbids you to do.
Hazrat Muhammad (SM) himself said, “I am leaving for you two things-the Quran and the Sunnah. You will never be led to an evil path if you follow these two things strictly.” A true Muslim can’t lead an honest and pure life without the knowledge of the Quran and the Hadith.
The main books of Hadith are Bodhari Sharif, Muslim Sharif, Meshkat Sharif, Tirmijee sharif.
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